Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 43 - Pontes, Dias Bons, e Futebol

Hello everyone,

This week went pretty well! On quarta-feira, I had an exchange with Elder Borba. He used to be the secretary but now is my District leader. He is awesome. He is Gauche and leaves in January. I learned so much during the exchange about how to be a better missionary and trainer.

On quinta-feira, we had another awesome district meeting! We learned about actually listening to our investigators and trusting in the Spirit to tell us what to say. Then the zone leaders talked about how we need to be doing more contacting and really try to talk with everyone. So Elder Gimenez and I applied what we learned and our day went super well!! I don’t think I have ever talked to so many people in one day. Then later that night we had a lesson with an investigator and we tried to actually listen to him and ask inspired questions. We were able to understand his problems a ton more and help him out a ton. After the lesson Elder Gimenez and I were like "wow the spirit was so strong in that lesson."

Also this week we went to visit another investigator.  She has been taught by two sets of missionaries already.  We set a goal for her to be baptized on the 28th of November if she really receives an answer to her prayers.  She accepted the challenge and we quasi shouted! She has never before accepted marking a baptism date, so it was like Christmas lol. 

It is cool because my zone leader is Elder Roque now and his area is the other side of Jardim Massangana.  He he says he can see our old area everyday.  It is sweet that he is in my district again! 

Hope you all have a great week. Happy Birthday to my big old brother Mike!


Elder Waters